Monday, August 20, 2012

Turn on the Bright Lights turns 10

There are some things that are more significant than others in your life. For sure, those things include albums. Nirvana's Nevermind turned twenty last autumn, and never have I felt depressed over music, as I did then. During that time, the music world changed. Now, there aren't any bands, which could actually shake the entire universe. 

However, I could feel comfort, when I've had the chance to enjoy a true classic in recent memory. Or actually in a period, which I can remember. That true classic is Turn on the Bright Lights, the debut album of New York post-punk rockers Interpol. I was fifteen, when I heard TOTBL for the first time, and as years have passed, my appreciation towards it has grown. Although, I'm not able to concentrate solely on listening music as I could as a teenager, there hasn't been another album, which shaped my music taste as drastically since then. 

Because of TOTBL it was easier for me to start listening to "difficult music". You see, there is a reason why early Interpol isn't played on radios. It takes time to grow on you. It takes time for you to appreciate the every nuance, which makes everything complete. It takes time to realize that it actually isn't that depressing.

Yes, after the first time listening to TOTBL, I felt depressed. I was thinking of which songs to listen to, when I was done, and one of them was Green Day's Wake Me up when September Ends. Those sad songs changed quickly into cheerful ones. It was like I lived the entire winter within those 49 minutes. 

So what makes the album musically special? In this case it would be the uniqueness of each band member. Carlos D, has been voted to be the second best bass player in the world, for me he is the best. Sometimes it seems like there isn't a clear structure in his playing, and it probably isn't the easiest to practice. My friend once said that Sam Fogarino drums in a way, which sounds like his banging songs of his own. Daniel Kessler's guitar playing is simply fierce and passionate, but still so focused and subtle. Last but not least, Paul Banks' voice. The voice, which you can recognize anywhere you go, even underwater. Yet each individual's talent fuses perfectly together without losing the touch of their own. Everyone contributes to the song writing, excluding lyrics. Those playful lyrics.

Taken from Leif Erikson:

She feels that my sentimental side should be held with kid gloves
But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox
She swears I'm just prey to the female,
Well then hook me up and throw me, baby cakes, cuz I like to get hooked.

Shortly TOTBL is the reason, why I can listen to indie pieces, which don't make much sense at first. But that's how I learned not to "judge a book by its cover". It is the first album outside my comfort zone, which I hold precious. So precious that I made a presentation out of it a couple of years back, and wrote a very in-depth essay of six pages for school (if anyone wants to read it, message me).  

Simply, it's a masterpiece.

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