Thursday, April 4, 2013

Junk Food Restaurant

If you read my We Need To Talk About Kevin book review, you might have learned that I hate spoilers. Another thing that I hate is throwing food away. Sometimes it could even ruin my whole day when I see something spoiled in our fridge in the morning. Not to mention seeing and smelling the same stuff for months at our office block's fridge. I do admit being guilty of letting perfectly food to rot every now and then, but luckily it's happened more seldom now than when I started my studies. That's when I was mainly after the cheapest products, which quite often tasted bad.

I remember when one of my flat mates had this habit of throwing all of her food away after returning from the grocery store with two bags full of new food. I also remember cleaning the fridge of five persons and finding rotten food to fill a huge black trash bag. There was no one to yell at except for me.

I've always sworn to stick a picture of a skinny African kid with a speech bubble "Stop wasting food, douche" on someone's fridge. I still haven't done it. I can already hear my friend saying "you're always talking about the African children". If I could I would send some people to Africa to starve for a while, maybe then they'd appreciate more what they got.

When we'd go to a restaurant with my friends, I would not only finish my plate, but theirs too. They'd go "how can a tiny girl eat so much?!", well it's actually really easy when you eat SLOWLY and ENJOY. The slower you eat, the more space you have and you also feel full longer.

Yesterday a top chef and some culinary students created these gourmet dishes out of ingredients local shops would have thrown away and served them for free to people. The amount of food that shops throw away is huge, and most of it is still perfectly edible. Although, you can't blame them for it, since EU and government regulations are hella stupid. Our senses have become blinded by those Best Before prints. Personally, I think it's just another way for food companies to keep producing more products and by then profit.

Sometimes though you can't blame regulations, when someone deliberately wastes food. This has happened for example with our chain doughnut store, which name I won't disclose (Arnold's). Half an hour before closing time several sheets of freshly baked goodies are thrown into a huge black trash bag. Couldn't they have just sell those "left overs" for a cheaper price or just bake less? I think they've gone with the latter option.

The funniest thing for me is when I hear news anchors talking about the lack of food we're going to be suffering from here in Finland. These people would do well in poker.

But with the Junk Food Restaurant event yesterday, it simply was a good idea. The dishes looked really tasty, unfortunately the line was way too long. That's what happens when you give something for free to (wealthy) people.

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