Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CSS @ Heaven, London

December 7th, 2012

Every week this one promoter company in London gives away gig tickets on their Facebook page. This time there was a chance to go see Brazilian band CSS, of which I've never heard about. Though when listening to their hit Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above, I thought "COOL!". I wanted to be truly honest in my answer, so I wrote I'd take my friend Linda with me, because her music taste needed (needs) improvement. And honesty paid off.

As we arrived to the venue Heaven, we decided to take our places from the balcony, and let others have more space closer to the stage. During the gig, regret was pretty much what we felt. Even Linda, who doesn't like to be in front. That's how wild good it was.

CSS gave a crazy all around performance with some crowd surfing, limbo and jokes, which cracked everyone up.

How many beers can you drink, before your breathe starts to stink?
We have Ginger Spice on the drums. (Their drummer having a Union Jack shirt on).

At the end of the show, when everyone was cheering and applauding, I remembered the band tweeting something about longboarding, so I told Linda to raise her board up. Then apparently singer Lovefoxxx went "Uuh a longboard!".

After the gig we definitely wanted to see if there were any band members around, so we could thank them for the awesome time. Little did we know that "thank you" would turn out to be beers at the backstage.

It was quite interesting to hear stories from their tour manager, who was into skating too. We also had no idea that their bass player is Swedish! Non-blonde hair can really confuse people. All of the band members were extremely kind and had a good sense of humor. Also, instead of us taking photos of them, well it just went the opposite. Guitarist Luiza took photos of us with her old-fashioned camera (btw we're still waiting for the photos ;)) and was wondering how old we were.

I guess wearing backpacks, helmets and ripped Union Jack banderas made us look younger. Click here to see.

In summary, on Heaven's stage EMA smashed a guitar, CSS did the limbo and lastly, I posed with a longboard. Entertaining moments.

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